Harness the Power of Right Belief

Are you searching for a purpose in life?

You are not alone! Across the world, hopelessness and despair are at all-time highs. 

We cannot really  know who we are or why we are, unless and until we know whence we are; our ‘roots’. Our Source.

A tree cut off from the root may remain green for a while but is dead nonetheless. For every tree is established and sustained by its root system.

We must discover and reconnect with our Source to truly live. Only then can we go forth with purpose and confidence into this war called life. And win!! That is self-actualization. 

That is the MaxLife.


“Either make a tree good and its fruit good or make a tree bad and its fruit bad. A tree is known by its fruit.” Messiah Jesus

The MaxLife is a life transformation coaching course taught by:

Dr. Ayzer Abraham and other gifted guest teachers of Truth.

If you are hungry for the spiritual… but ‘bored’ with religion, then this course is for you.

You will discover 3 truths that will change your life forever.


  1. Life indeed is spiritual.
  2. Life is words; and,
  3. Life is a choice. And you have the right, and power, to choose the life you want

Ayzer (Helper) Abraham is a Nigerian missionary to The Gambia, where he has lived for the past twenty two years.

With over six decades of life experiences, the first three of those as a Muslim, the last three as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, and a stint in the Occult as a Rosicrucian in between, Ayzer received the call of God to correct what He calls “wrong belief” amongst the youth, the African youth in particular.

A dentist by profession, Ayzer has also served broken humanity at their lowest ebb, in the prisons of The Gambia, as the Executive Director of Prison Fellowship, The Gambia, for close to two decades. Ayzer knows first hand, the power of rght believing for life transformation.

“Life is a spiritual continuum. And Truth is the ultimate spiritual reality. An understanding of this reality is the key to living with meaning and fulfillment, no matter what life offers”, he says.

Ayzer and his wife of over three decades are blessed with five adult children.

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